
Women and Power by Pablo Khaled A Visual Interpretation of Maya Angelo’s Poetry, exhibition, Poplar Union, Women in Focus 2020

Poplar Union Exhibitions present…

Women and Power by Pablo Khaled

Running: Friday 6 – Sunday 8 March

Location: The Gallery

A visual interpretation from Pablo Khaled exploring Maya Angelo’s feminist poetry through portraits of rebellion, beauty and power.

Pablo is a Bolton based photographer, currently awarded by Federation of Indian Photography and Kolkata Journalist Club for his tremendous work on street and portrait photography. Pablo recently exhibited at Nehru Centre, London with his latest project, Tagore in the light of Rembrandt, as part of the 250th anniversary of the great painter Rembrandt. This project will be exhibited for Poplar Union’s Women in Focus Festival in partnership with The Gronthee.

The Gronthee is an award-winning literary platform that has been serving the world of literature for the last 28 years. They provide a nurturing new voice, style and platform for experimental literature both from Bengali and non-Bengali traditions. The Gronthee has been publishing its ground-breaking literary magazine both in Bengali and English with critical acclaim from contemporary prominent poets and writers across the world.

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Women and Power by Pablo Khaled A Visual Interpretation of Maya Angelo’s Poetry, exhibition, Poplar Union, Women in Focus 2020

Poplar Union Exhibitions present…

Contents of Women’s Handbags:
A 1-2-1 discussion

Running: Saturday 7 March 1pm-5pm

Location: Mike

Artist Teresa Witz invites members of the public to reveal the contents of their handbags and discuss the function and connections of the objects we all carry with/on us every day. This will guide and inspire new work for the project.


A series of oil paintings on wooden panels depicting the contents of various women’s handbags.

I have asked a number of women if they would empty their handbags and allow me to take photographs and make sketches of the contents which I am developing into a series of oil paintings. Each handbag contains different items and form a portrait of their personality and give some insight into their identity and everyday lives.

