Bun Making & Spring Planting with e5 Poplar Bakehouse & Sunny Jar

Be ready to make easter hedgehog buns at e5 Poplar Bakehouse, learning how easy and fun making your own bread at home can be! Then join Sunny Jar and head outside to transform our growing boxes into a herb garden to be used and enjoyed by the whole community.
A fun and interactive morning focussed on food and the environment.
What to expect
The morning will begin with making the ciabatta dough for your hedgehog buns with the team at e5 Poplar Bakehouse. While you wait for your dough to proove and rise, join Maud from Sunny Jar and help weed and plant out flowers in the planting boxes outside the cafe. You’ll be planting herbs and edible flowers for the cafe to use in the kitchen! Back into the cafe you go, and your dough would have risen. Shape into little hedgehogs and bake! Baking gives you time to have some lunch, play in the playground or have a sit-down in the sunshine. Everyone will get to take their bakes home with them (if they manage to not get eaten!), and hopefully get inspired to grow some herbs of your own at home!
This is a great workshop to do with the whole family. Adults must attend with children. Places are limited and booking in advance is essential so we know how much flour we need!
About Sunny Jar Eco Hub
Sunny Jar is a social enterprise founded by two local residents, Maud & Linda, working on creating opportunities for people to learn and share skills on how to live more sustainably.
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Bun Making & Spring Planting with e5 Poplar Bakehouse & Sunny Jar
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