Bee Curious – Bee identification workshop
Bee identification workshop. Learn how to identify and protect our pollinators.
Join artist-botanist Jane Plowright for an art-nature workshop at Poplar Union, followed by a short ‘bee walk’ in the local area. Bumblebee populations have crashed in the UK in recent years, and the data we have, which is the frontline in the fight to protect species, is almost entirely collected by the public, often by kids. In the workshop, we will use a range of art techniques to each create our own set of Bee ID cards to take home – extra sets can be printed out for family, friends or to take to school. The workshop is suitable for all ages, from kid to adult. We will learn to identify the eight most common species of Bumblebee in the UK then use this knowledge on our bee spotting walk.
The walk is subject to weather – bees do not fly in the rain!
Bee Curious – Bee identification workshop
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