Tower Hamlets Family Meet-Up – Bumps, Babies and Toddler group

Come along with your bumps, babies and toddlers, and enjoy a well-deserved cuppa at this warm, welcoming get together. Enjoy a friendly boost of positivity to help you along your journey through pregnancy into parenthood with support and friendships.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Tower Hamlets Family meet-up.
This support group is ran entirely by volunteer perinatal professionals who are here to support new and expectant parents.
We’re a team of mums with a wide range of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood knowledge, skills and expertise. We can support you antenatally and postnatally in areas including; birth, breastfeeding, infant sleep, postnatal recovery, babywearing, early parenthood and emotional support – to name but a few” – and we have a wonderful network of perinatal and early years experts on hand to help support you on your parenthood journey! Come along to meet other local parents and enjoy a lovely chat over a cuppa.
Important info:
This is a volunteer led support group for new and expectant parents, those with babies and toddlers. Older siblings welcome.
Perinatal and early years professionals are welcome to attend to provide free support to parents. This must be agreed prior to attending the meet-up by emailing Mel at
For safeguarding reasons, if you are coming without a child or are not pregnant; we will kindly ask the purpose of your attendance upon arrival.
When booking, only book tickets for the adults attending, not the babies. Booking is essential. If you cannot attend, please call 020 3039 3333 or email to let us know and we can release your ticket to another attendee.
Poplar Union very kindly hires us the hall on a donations-basis to cover room hire expenses, so we ask participants to make a donation for the hire.
Please donate if you can. Any amount is helpful. By making your donation now, you help save a lot of precious time on the day, so we don’t have to take time out to collect donations. Instead, we can use this time to offer parents support. You can donate by choosing a ‘General Admission’ ticket and adding what you can spare. Thank you!
Donations will be collected by the organisers on the day (card payments only)
Mel Pinet – Sling consultant at Wrap a Hug sling library and consultancy
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Tower Hamlets Family Meet-Up – Bumps, Babies and Toddler group
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