Samba de Raiz UK: Black History Month East End Special
Samba de Raiz UK (Samba from Root) comes to provide the UK public an intense contact with Brazilian culture through an authentic Roda de Samba de Raiz.
The word samba has an African origin that means “have fun” and transcending its meaning has become the main axis of their culture. Developed in the terreiros (religious centers for African-Brazilian religion), merged with other contemporary musical styles such as Polca, Maxixe and Choro. Over time, it continued on its path through history, influencing other styles and creating modern variations of samba such as samba canção, samba sincopado, bossa nova, afro-samba, samba rock and samba soul.
Samba de Raiz UK is here to exalt this main core of our Brazilian culture and show that more than a musical style, samba is behaviour, spirituality, gastronomy, dance and culture.
The history of Brazil can be told through samba and we can convey this advent to other people and generations through our musical, theatrical, dance and culinary workshops.
Samba de Raiz UK: Black History Month East End Special
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