What's On

Hapa Zome (leaf printing) and cyanotype printing

Join us to learn the ancient Japanese art form of Hapa Zome, based on leaf printing and cyanotype printing.

What to expect

Hapa Zome is an ancient Japanese art form, based on leaf printing. We will show you how to create beautiful artwork inspired by symmetry in nature. We will also be doing cyanotype printing which is a fun and creative craft that makers of all ages will enjoy. Through the magic of science, you can create incredible artwork with this alternative photography technique, with plenty of opportunities to experiment and get creative.  

About Sustainably Muslim

Nazia Sultana is the founder of Sustainably Muslim, a platform that aims to inspire and empower Muslims to serve the environment and their community through education and social action. She facilitates workshops and speaks at events around topics such as Islam & the environment, climate change, sustainability & more.

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