Grand Union Re:Generation Band – Friday Sessions
The Grand Union Orchestra is the acknowledged pioneer and leading exponent of cross-cultural music-making in the UK. The Re:Generation Band are second-generation musicians who share each other’s heritages and explore West African, Caribbean, Bengali, European, and Korean music forms. Our Poplar Union monthly residency, now in its fourth year, showcases musicians from all of these cultures.
The Grand Union Re: Generation Band
A collective of musicians who met, grew and trained through GUO, The Grand Union Orchestra
. The acknowledged pioneer and leading exponent of cross-cultural music-making in the UK.
We’re a hybrid of non-standard instrumentalists featuring Tabla, Ghuzeng and Kpanlogo players with jazz players who share a love of traditional music forms.
GUO musicians are experts in their own global musical traditions – South Asian, African, Caribbean and Latin American.
Re: Generation band members are the experienced musicians of the Grand Union Youth Orchestra, who continue to compose pieces divined from the music and ethos of GUO in its ever-evolving traditions, from which they are rooted. Political in root and explorative of culture and history of migration and art.
Our shows feature improvised music with a fusion of world music traditions.
Grand Union Re:Generation Band – Friday Sessions
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