Concrete Youth present: Shebaa’s Adventure to Jopplety How
Poplar Union has partnered with award-winning theatre company, Concrete Youth, to present Shebaa’s Adventure to Jopplety How – an online, multi-sensory production for audiences living with profound and multiple learning disabilities, perfect to ease the boredom of lockdown, packed full of sensory moments that are sure to open up the imaginations of your little ones!
What’s it about?
Shebaa The Sheep has never had any wool! She spends her days feeling different from all of the other sheep in her herd and it makes her feel very sad. After finding a book at her local library, Shebaa goes on a quest to meet the world’s most intelligent and wise creature in all of the land; The Wisdom Cow of Jopplety How, in the hope that he can grant her one wish; to have a coat of wool her lamb friends would envy. Join Shebaa as she goes on an adventure, meets other furry friends on the way and learns that there are differences in the most unlikely of places.
What to expect
Shebaa’s Adventure to Jopplety How is Makaton-integrated, and involves sensory play through the use of sensory instructions throughout the show. Audiences will be asked to gather everyday household items to act as sensory play stimulus during the show’s sensory engagement periods.
Worried you won’t have something from our list of sensory items? Don’t worry! We have back up options for you!
Who’s it for?
Shebaa’s Adventure to Jopplety How is designed for young audiences living with profound and multiple learning disabilities. However, adults living with PMLD have attended Concrete Youth shows intended for younger audience before and have enjoyed it so, if you think the person you care for will enjoy it, book! Concrete Youth are dedicated to promoting the PMLD community and educating neurotypical audiences so, if you don’t live with PMLD, feel free to book for the show anyway!
How do I book?
The show will be a pre-recorded video that you can access at any time (from Friday 31 July), anywhere in the world.
You can register by visiting Concrete Youth’s website to receive access to the show automatically on the release date.
They ask that in the sign-up form, you state that the audience member does or does not live PMLD, so they can keep track of this.
About Concrete Youth
Concrete Youth is an award-winning, Hull-based theatre company dedicated to creating exceptional, multi-sensory theatre experiences for audiences living with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). All of their work is performed in an accessible, calm and immersive environment, complemented with live music, signing, Makaton, chill-out rooms, limited audience capacity and much more.
Shebaa – Jodie Hay
Harvey/Pepper/Alfreda/The Wisdom Cow – James Lewis-Knight
Creative Team
Written by Elle Douglas
Directed by Belle Streeton
Produced by Daniel Swift
Edited by FlyGirl Films
Audience Development by Annabelle Moorman
Makaton Training by Prit Chouhan
These are the characters you’ll meet in the show!